Alessandro Daniele, Tommaso Campari, Sagar Malhotra, Luciano Serafini. "Deep Symbolic Learning: Discovering Symbols and Rules from Perceptions" IJCAI2023 [ArXiv PDF]
Tommaso Campari, Leonardo Lamanna, Paolo Traverso, Luciano Serafini, Lamberto Ballan. "Incremental Learning of Reusable Abstract Models for Object Goal Navigation" CVPR2022 [ArXiv PDF]
Tommaso Campari, Paolo Eccher, Luciano Serafini, Lamberto Ballan. "Exploiting Scene-specific Features for ObjectGoal Navigation" ACVR2020 ECCV Workshop [ArXiv PDF]
Giacomo Greggio (2021): MSc student in Computer Science. "Comparing Multi Object-Goal Navigation Models"
Tommaso Sgarbanti (2020): MSc student in Computer Science. "Generation of Localized Descriptions for Video Understanding"
Paolo Eccher (2020): MSc student in Computer Science. "Learning-Based Models for Autonomous Visual Navigation"
A.Y. 2020-2021; Teacher Assistant in "Introduction to Machine Learning" course.